Freedom of Information response to request for information relating to, Data relating to Hate Crime. Please also see Response Letter 2889/21
Disclosure logFreedom of Information response to request for information relating to, Leicestershire E Scooter Seizures by Local Authority Area . Please also see Response Letter 2756/21
Disclosure logFreedom of Information response to request for information relating to, jewelry stolen from people in hospital. Please also see Response Letter 2769/21
Disclosure logFreedom of Information response to request for information relating to, to Incidents of Domestic Abuse 2019-2020. Please Also see Response Letter 2829/21
Disclosure logFreedom of Information response to request for information relating to, 2527-21 FOI Request - Digital Abuse of teachers
Disclosure logFreedom of Information response to request for information relating to, 2484-21 FOI Data Breaches Response Letter
Disclosure logFreedom of Information response to request for information relating to FOI Data Breaches , Please see Response Letter 2484/21
Disclosure logFreedom of Information response to request for information relating to, 2476/21 Electric Scooters. Please also see Response Document 2476/21
Disclosure logFreedom of Information response to request for information relating : Please see response Letter: 2474.21 Violence Against Person offences in schools 2018 - 2021
Disclosure log